Before the COVID-19 Breakout: SPH Nithyananda Paramashivam’s Warning in 2018

\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\”I tell you, only one thing – essence of today’s Satsang – Just be alive for next 3 years! Don’t die within next 3 years. I guarantee you I will reach you wherever you are! I’ll reach you wherever you are! Just don’t die within next 3 years. Be alive, somehow be alive for next 3 years, I’ll reach you wherever you are, whichever corner of the world you may be, I will reach you with enlightenment. Understand. It will be as easy as putting the bread from the plate… from your plate into your mouth and converting that into your blood. That’s it! I will make enlightenment as easy as…. the bread in your hand, getting into your mouth and becoming blood. I will reach it to you wherever you are; it’s My commitment to humanity.

Understand. Just be alive for the next 3 years; nothing else. Just don’t die within next 3 years. I am working, I am working sincerely, I will reach you somehow. Somehow I will reach you, wherever you may be. And enlightenment will be literally in you, with you, you manifesting the space, state, powers and Being of Paramashiva. Understand.\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\”

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